Simple React components generator with BEM flavour
19 Apr, 2016
TL;DR: We implemented a library dumb-bem which helps you use BEM in React components.
There are two buzzwords in the front-end world. You've probably heard about both of them: BEM and React.
BEM is a methodology, that provides you with simple naming convention, and React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Combining these two approaches, help you build a complex UI, while codebase stays maintainable.
At Wimdu we take a hybrid approach using BEM naming convention and some of the SMACSS concepts.
An example of a typical component:
<header className='header header--landing'>
<h1 className='header__title'>...</h1>
<h2 className='header__subtitle is-hidden'>...</h2>
Here we have
block withlanding
element withis-hidden
Reusable components
We use ES6 JavaScript version and stateless function components for describing React components.
Let's try to make a Header
component displaying a title, a subtitle, and make it re-usable for the future.
We start with a simple React component:
// components/header/index.js
export default ({ modifier, title, subtitle }) => (
<header className=`header header--${modifier}`>
<h1 className='header__title'>{ title }</h1>
<h2 className=`header__subtitle ${!subtitle ? 'is-hidden' : ''}`>
{ subtitle }
Now we can render it with different props:
import Header from 'components/header'
// For example, we can render it on a landing page
title='City Apartments'
subtitle='Over 5 Million Nights Booked'
, node)
// or on the About page
title='About Wimdu'
subtitle='Meet our team and learn about what we do'
, node)
Let's make modifier
optional. We may want to use classnames library for gently joining class names.
// components/header/index.js
import cx from 'classnames'
export default ({ modifier, title, subtitle }) => (
<header className={cx('header', { [`header--${modifier}`]: modifier })}>
<h1 className='header__title'>{ title }</h1>
<h2 className={cx('header__subtitle', { 'is-hidden': subtitle })}>
{ subtitle }
Quite messy and too much code to write for every new component.
Ease of use
Honestly, all we want to do in this component is simply provide a modifier for header
block and place title
and subtitle
elements inside.
It would be great to abstract Header
, Title
and Subtitle
elements outside of this component.
// components/header/index.js
import { Header, Title, Subtitle } from './elements'
export default ({ modifier, title, subtitle }) => (
<Header modifier={modifier}>
<Title>{ title }</Title>
<Subtitle hidden={!subtitle}>{ subtitle }</Subtitle>
Let's define Header
block and two elements: Title
and Subtitle
How can we do it? The idea is to take a React element and modify its props.
We will use transform-props-with library for that:
// components/header/elements.js
import cx from 'classnames'
import tx from 'transform-props-with'
const addElementStyles = (oldProps) => {
const { hidden, modifier, name, ...props } = oldProps
return {
className: cx({
[`header__${name}`]: name,
[`header__${name}--${modifier}`]: name && modifier,
['is-hidden']: hidden
export const Header = tx({ className: 'header' })('header')
export const Title = tx([{ name: 'title' }, addElementStyles])('h1')
export const Subtitle = tx([{ name: 'subtitle' }, addElementStyles])('h2')
So basically we have just decorated React elements header
, h1
and h2
Whenever we pass modifier
or hidden
props to our components — a proper class name will be generated.
Meet the dumb-bem
dumb-bem is a library we created for making atomic React components with BEM/SMACSS naming rules.
When you pass a block name to dumbBem
function, it returns a decorator which you can use to transform props on React elements.
// components/header/elements.js
import dumbBem from 'dumb-bem'
import tx from 'transform-props-with'
const dumbHeader = dumbBem('header')
const Header = tx(dumbHeader)('header')
const Title = tx([dumbHeader, { element: 'title' }])('h1')
const Subtitle = tx([dumbHeader, { element: 'subtitle' }])('h2')
export default ({ modifier, title, subtitle }) => (
<Header modifier={modifier}>
<Title>{ title }</Title>
<Subtitle hidden={!subtitle}>{ subtitle }</Subtitle>
It's available on github and npm.
Originally posted on Wimdu tech blog: